Under the Lens: Mental Health and Housing

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You can’t have good mental health without housing.

Far too many people living with mental illness face an extra layer of difficulty because, on top of a housing and homelessness crisis, it’s hard to find housing that includes mental health supports.

Joanne Bezzubetz, President & CEO of The Royal will host a virtual discussion with a panel of experts, members of the Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa, who will share their perspective about the inseparable link between mental health, housing and the homelessness crisis. They will speak about the Starts with Home Campaign and share evidence-based affordable housing solutions highlighting Housing First initiatives, including At Home/Chez Soi and Making the Shift.


Kaite Burkholder Harris, Executive Director of the Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa

Tim Aubry, Professor, School of Psychology, University of Ottawa and Professor, Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services, Faculty of Social Sciences

Susan Farrell, Vice President, Patient Care Services and Community Mental Health, The Royal and Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa

Anita Manley, Mental Health Advocate and member of The Royal’s Board of Trustees who has lived expertise of mental illness and homelessness

Larissa Silver, Associate Executive Director, Youth Services Bureau (YSB)

  • KB
    Kaite Burkholder Harris
    published this page in Attend an Event 2022-02-23 11:01:15 -0500

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