What types of housing are best suited to help us meet our targets? Multi-unit, single family, rooming, etc?

We need a proper needs assessment to know how many of what types of units are missing from Ottawa’s housing stock. This is happening at a National level through the HART project, with the involvement of expert local advisor, Dr. Carolyn Whitzman.

Looking at shelter numbers alone, adding family-sized multi-bedroom units would make the greatest reduction in the number of people experiencing homelessness.

However, there are a lot of people experiencing homelessness looking for single bedroom units. Rooming houses, boarding houses and shared accommodation are also options that meet the needs of some people experiencing homelessness. However, existing stock is often in poor condition and shared common areas including kitchens and bathrooms are not the preferred option for most people.

Supportive housing with private living spaces, some shared common space and access to supports on site, is needed for people who require support to live independently.

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  • LC
    Leah Cogan
    published this page in About housing 2022-07-11 10:37:12 -0400

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